Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Winterpeg: Winnipeg’s Evil Twin

Day 51   Mile 7103
Winnipeg, CA

The word for today is, “HARDY.”
Being a Florida girl, I think cold means pulling out my closed-toe Skechers or (gasp!) wearing my boots lovingly stuffed with paper & displayed in my closet (a throwback to my NYC years!) But Winnipeg has winters on steroids.

While we experienced lovely, kind, summer Winnipeg, “Winterpeg” reigns supreme throughout the cold, dark winter here. Much like Frozen’s Elsa who can’t help but leave ice and cold in her wake, Winterpeg covers the region in freezing winds and ice and drives mere humans inside to hibernate like heartier bears.  Seeing power plugs along parking areas, I assumed they were for “green” Canadians driving electric cars. But noooo. I was informed these plugs are to charge engine warmers so car oil won’t freeze and batteries won’t die during typical 40 degrees below zero temperatures. It took all the self-control I had not to yell, “Why do you people live here in the winter? Run, run while you are still not frozen in ice!” No wonder Homer Simpson threatens his family with, “That’s it! We’re all going back to Winnipeg.”

 But we fell for lovely “summer” Winnipeg.  On our brief stop, it was a lovely temperate night along the waterfront, called “The Forks” where the Red and Assiniboine rivers meet. Open-air cafees dot the shoreline as small boats shuttle folks from point to point. Miles of gardens, parks and flat trails- just perfect for running, walking and biking- line the waterfront.

While we were in, the Interstellar Rodeo was taking place. This waterfront music festival, one of many crammed into Winnipeg’s short summer season, draws thousands of visitors and an interesting mix of talent- all enjoying evenings of music under the stars. The festival offers eclectic cuisine and even wine delivered to your lawn chair.  Wines are paired with each particular musician.  For Sarah McLaughlin, perhaps some chilled light white?  While for Dwight Youkum, I’ve gotta think they’d pull out an earthy pinot noir or top shelf tequila shots. We’ve gotten into Cider while here.  I wonder who I should add to my playlist for cider?

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