Tuesday, August 24, 2010

It Takes A Village

I assumed we would be a rag-tag band of hikers with a few well-seasoned guides to help us on our adventure. I had NO idea what a big production this was. Our group of 11 trekkers is supported by a virtual village… 2 guides, 2 chefs, 5 porters, 5 wranglers & 12 mules- not to mention the existing lodge staffs. As the hiking began, I began to see why.

Bright & early; up & at ‘em. We headed out for our 4-hour trip to a glacial lake today. Our lodge is situated at a breathtaking 11,800 feet & today we will ascend to 14,000 for a picnic and optional quick swim. None of my training hikes prepared me for today. I thought my heart would jump out of my chest. Actually, several times I hoped an Incan God would grab it out of my chest and offer it up as a human sacrifice. Frequent stops to avoid cardiac arrest were extremely helpful. We’ve lost one team member to food poisoning and one was on the mule today feeling puny.

Tomorrow is the big day. A windy & chilly 9-hour hike to over 15,000 feet. I will have to wear every item of clothing I brought- along with those I haggled for in Cusco. Honestly, I am terrified but know there is no turning back at this point.


Mary said...

JO - Wow! You are an adventurer! And here I thought my fitness class was a workout today! You can do it! Mary

Sandy Logue Carovano said...

Beautiful! Hang in there and just put one foot in front of the other. You can do it

Unknown said...

Hi Jo- I am so impressed - you are a trooper..........maybe I should have taken you up on the invite to go with you. ....though I may have held you back.............lots of thoughts of you with this wonderful adventure. love, janie

Unknown said...

Think like the ant with the rubber tree plant! You'll do terrific! I'll have your Oreos waiting for you when you get home. Hugs, Linda

hollyhahn15 said...

What is behind you...cows? llamas? alpacas? beautiful picture!!!Dawn